Meet our practitioners

  • meet-our-practitioners-Amanda-Peck-the-whole-body-co

    Amanda Peck

    Amanda started practicing yoga over 25 years ago. She knew right away that yoga had something for her. It resonated, it made her feel embodied & spiritually connected.

    Amanda draws on this experience to teach classes that help students create freedom in their bodies & also their minds. Though the synchronicity of breath, movement & focus, students may find they have naturally dropped into a moving meditation. Amanda thinks this is where the magic of yoga happens.

    You will leave her classes feeling connected, calm & present.

  • meet-our-practitioners-rosalyn-lim-the-whole-body-co

    Roslyn Lim

    Rosalyn Lim is a certified senior level teacher in yoga. With over 15 years of experience in her field, she has explored various yoga styles and has studied under some of the world’s leading yoga teachers.

    Prior to her move to Queensland, she studied intensively under the tutelage of Eoin McCarthy at the Melbourne Ashtanga Yoga Centre for 6 years.

    In her classes and workshop offerings Ros provides gentle guidance with a focus on anatomy and mindful movement.

    Ros draws on her experience in yoga, mindfulness and meditation to facilitate inclusive and safer spaces for students to cultivate the practice of personal autonomy and self agency. She recognises her work in strongly advocating for the intersectionality of wellness practices.